Pet Radiology

At Paws Veterinary Clinic and Grooming Spa in Joplin, MO, we understand that your pet’s health is of utmost importance. Our commitment to providing comprehensive care extends to our pet radiology services, a diagnostic tool that allows us to delve into the inner workings of your furry friend’s health. Let’s explore how this service plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of your pet.

A dog being examined by a vet

Understanding Pet Radiology

What is Pet Radiology?
Pet radiology, commonly known as x-rays, is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique that helps our veterinarians visualize the internal structures of your pet’s body. It is a valuable tool for identifying and diagnosing various health conditions, ranging from bone fractures to internal organ abnormalities.

How Does It Work?
During a pet radiology procedure, your pet is carefully positioned, and x-ray images are taken. These images capture the density of different tissues, highlighting bones, organs, and other structures. Our experienced veterinary team then analyzes these images to gain insights into your pet’s health.

Benefits of Pet Radiology

  1. Accurate Diagnoses:  Pet Radiology enables our veterinarians to make accurate diagnoses of various conditions, including fractures, tumors, and respiratory issues. This precision is crucial for developing effective treatment plans tailored to your pet’s specific needs.
  2. Non-Invasive and Painless:  One of the key advantages of pet radiology is that it is non-invasive and painless. This diagnostic tool provides valuable information without subjecting your pet to surgery, allowing for a quicker and less stressful assessment.

When is Pet Radiology Necessary?

Injury or Trauma

In cases of injury or trauma, such as suspected fractures or internal injuries, pet radiology helps pinpoint the extent of the damage and guides the appropriate course of action.

Respiratory or Digestive Issues

For pets experiencing respiratory or digestive issues, radiology can reveal abnormalities in the lungs, stomach, or intestines, facilitating timely and targeted treatment.

Routine Health Check-ups

In some instances, our veterinarians may recommend pet radiology as part of routine health check-ups, especially for senior pets or those with specific health concerns.